Version 1.3.31

We are excited to reveal Uprise Version 1.3.31.    Release Date: 04-10-18

NEW PM Functionality

Import Suppliers

We have added the ability for customers to add Suppliers through the Uprise Setup tab. In Uprise, you can add suppliers from for Electronic Submission or add a Custom Supplier that you manually  order from today.

How to Add a Supplier

How to Add a Manual (Custom) Supplier

Adding Account Details to a Supplier

Bug fixes and Updates

EHR Updates for 2015 Certification

As part of the certification process for Uprise to be a 2015 edition certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT) the following updates have been made:

  1. Under the Patient Tab Details, we have added additional preferred languages. To access, click the magnify glass to the right of the field. Note: only one language can be selected. Any language selected also transfers to the CCD.
  2. You can now add the "Health Concerns" section to the CCD.  How to add or remove sections from a CCD
  3. Functional and Mental are now selectable sections in the CCD. NOTE: Mental section is populated with the Cognitive information from the Exam.
  4. Milligrams per Deciliter (abbreviation mg/dL) is now a value in existing lab result units.
  5. All active diagnoses from the exam are sent to the e-Prescribing application. NOTE: the onset date will be defaulted to the current date. Composing a Medication Prescription
  6. In the Immunization section of the exam, we changed the name of "Not Administered" status to "Cancelled." The functionality did not change, only the name of the status.
  7. Under PFSH on the Exam we added a "Start date" and "End Date" to the "Tobacco History" section when "Yes" is selected. NOTE: the date fields were not added to the Patient Questionnaire.


  1. We fixed an issue that caused an error when clicking "Generate Order" from the Optical Check/Out tab, then closing the order and clicking "Generate Order" a second time. 
  2. You can now enter "Set Fee" for an open priced item to an amount over $1000.00
  3. We fixed an error that was sending Eye Size as "0" on Rx Orders sent to suppliers.
  4. We fixed patient account balances in the ledger which did not update correctly when there was a remittance that posted with a $0 insurance payment but had a “Transfer to Patient”. 
  5. RGP CL Base Curve parameters now allow values in .01 steps on the Rx Order.


In Chief Complaint/HPI section of the exam you can now select the Snomed CT from a new searchable field. Note: this is not a required field.