Version 1.3.17
We are excited to reveal Uprise Version 1.3.17. On top of many feature enhancements, we’ve addressed a few bugs that may have impacted your practice. Release Date: 03-21-2017
Insurance and Claims
- Invoices that have been created from the EHR but not yet opened/reviewed/worked will now have an 'Open' status instead of 'Draft.' We no longer have a Draft status for invoices.
- On the Claims Summary screen with the chart and legend, we removed Electronically Submitted as an option because we are not tracking that status.
- Insurance plans now display in an alphabetized list under Insurance Details.
- A small adjustment has been made to boxes 14 and 15 on the claim. The field 14 has been switched to show the qualifier first. Also, fields 14 and 15 dropdown lists have been expanded to view each Qualifier description on one line.
- Workflow update: When adding an insurance for a patient it is now required to pick the Insurance (payer) first before selecting the plan.
- Box 17b (NPI number) on the Claim form has been updated to accept only 10 characters. This will help eliminate potential typing errors.
- On the Claim form all non-editable fields are now displayed as text labels to avoid confusion.
- On the Claim form box 19 "Additional Claim Information" has been updated with a "Surgery" button to add surgery details to the form.

9. On the Claim form, fields that require additional information or edits will be shaded to easy identification.
10. Now, inactive insurances display in red under the Benefits dropdown on a Patient record.
Insurance Plan Fee Schedule
Insurance Plan Fee Schedule has a new setup layout and location.
- A Fee Schedule hyperlink can now be found on the Admin > Insurance setup window.
- A Fee schedule is setup per plan.
- Also, the Fee Schedules setup window now includes the CPT code in addition to the description.
Code Modifier Additions and Adjustments
The following modifiers and descriptions have been added to the list of modifiers in the insurance database.
- GW - Condition not related to the patient's terminal condition
- GX - Notice of liability issued, voluntary under payer policy
- GY - Notice of liability not issued, not required under payer policy
- GZ - Item or service expected to be denied as not reasonable and necessary
- XE - Separate encounter
- XP - Separate practitioner
- XS - Separate structure
- XU - Unusual non-overlapping service
- Q5 - Service furnished by a substitute physician under a reciprocal billing arrangement
- Q6 - Service furnished by a locum tenens physician
Also, we ensured modifiers only show once in the list. No duplications.
And last, the list of modifiers is now in alpha-numeric order by code.
Practice Managment
- Now, when creating a recall after posting an invoice, the default location remains the location on the invoice.
- On the Ledger, when an Invoice has a negative balance (credit available) and the Invoice line is selected, the text button will read "Refund".
- NOW! You are now able to transfer responsibility from Private Pay to an Insurance for Rx Order products and Professional Services after they have been posted to an Invoice. Read the following article for instructions on: How to transfer responsibility from Private Pay to an Insurance after the invoice has been posted
- Under the Admin tab > Users, you can now limit which staff members can edit payments recorded into Uprise. This new profile setting is called "Edit Payments/Refunds." The Administrator and Office Manager will already have this access set to "Yes" by default.
To give the access to a User without an Administrator or Office Manager profile you will need to create a custom profile, ensure the access is checked to "Yes" and assign that profile to the user. Here's how: Create a Custom User Profile (Role)

New Report
Revenue By Insurance Report
We added a new report for tracking your revenue based on the insurance associated with your charges, filtered on either payments received and invoices posted during a date range. Note: the date defaults to the prior month but can be changed.
Within the report you can see revenue summarized by:
- Professional Services
- Optical
- Provider

- Under the EHR > Orders tab we added an order recall time frame.
- You are now able to fill in all binocular vision tests from an exam in one window saving a lot of clicks. One window means avoiding entering results, closing the window, opening the next, entering, closing, repeat… How to Enter Binocular Vision Test Results
- Now if a provider adds a PH, Clare or PD to the Manifest in refractions the fields will be recorded in the Exam.
- We have streamlined the workflow for splitting out OD/OS CL types if they are two different brands. We added a copy to button from the OD to the OS for the CL Type, Product, Color, etc. The prefilled options can be changed individually or cleared by using an 'X' button.
Practice Managment
- After a claim is recreated and the original claim is deleted, the link to that original claim will no longer exist in the recreated claim column.
- When adding a New Patient Insurance, the list of insurances is now alphabetized and inactive insurances do not display in the list.
- You can no longer edit Box 32a and 33a so the boxes will be auto-populated as intended.
- A bug was fixed that caused the list of modifiers on the Invoice to repeat the list multiple times in the dropdown.
- There is a requirement in Uprise to have an Insurance plan named "None" for all payers. This requirement has been locked down so a user cannot rename. Of course, new insurance plans can be added and updated at any time. How to Add an Insurance Payer, Fee Schedule and CMS Defaults
- The Qualifier Order for Boxes 14, 15 and 17 have been reorder to display the most frequently used qualifiers at the top.
- The Submit Electronically option now displays (as intended) for all claims to payers that support EDI from Uprise.
- The "Set to Inactive" link for Resources under the Admin tab now works as expected.
- Clicking on the patient name in the Recall tab now opens the patient's record without a delay or timeout.
- On the Rx Order, Expiration date field no longer auto-populates to the Prescription Date if the customer begins typing the month of the Prescription Date.
- When a custom Professional Service is added in Admin an External ID is now created for that service so it can be used in the Exam without an error.
- The Insured Party contact section of the New Insurance window now accepts Alphanumeric characters in the Last and First name fields.
- When a recreated claim is deleted, the link to the original claim will no longer exist in the recreated claim column.
- When adding a new patient insurance, the list of insurances is now in alphabetical order.
- If the Communication Method on Patient Details is being updated and 'method' or 'type' are not selected, saving the updates will not occur and the required fields will outline in red.
- When an order of any type is set to Manual Order and the order has been posted to an Invoice, the "Edit Order" button is not available on the order. This will eliminate confusion. A Manual Order cannot be edited after it has been posted to an invoice.
- We fixed a bug that caused the loading mask to continue to display and not disappear on the Optical/Checkout tab prescription tile when clicking the Print hyperlink.
- We updated the Claim form to accept a Social Security number as the member ID in Box 1a.
- If a claim is rejected and the practice recreates the claim Box 22 is populated with a "7" and an "Original Reference Code" is now required.
- On the Claim form, practices that have long address and especially those that have Line 2 of the address it is truncated on the printed CMS 1500. We changed all three data lines in box 32 to allow up to 26 characters. In Addition, we changed all three data lines in box 33 to allow up to 29 characters.

- On the Patient Statement Reports, $0.00 balances were being included even though "Include $0.00 Invoices on Statement" was deselected. This bug has been squashed!
- The Posted Payment by Insurance report now displays columns for months selected in the parameters even if there are no data for a month in the result set.