Version 1.3.27

We are excited to reveal Uprise Version 1.3.27. On top of many feature enhancements, we’ve addressed a few bugs that may have impacted your practice.   Release Date: 12-13-2017

EHR Improved Functionality and Updates

  1. If a provider marks a medication as Ocular, the next time they access the medication, it will remain as ocular.
  2. We updated the verbiage "Icare Pressure Measuring" to "Icare Tonometer" in the IOP dropdown.
  3. We increased the amount of characters visible in the "Other Tests" section in the exam to 200 characters.
  4. If the BMI is out of range for over or underweight, it will auto-populate the appropriate ICD-10 code in the assessment portion of the exam.  How to Achieve Quality Measurements in Uprise
    • If BMI is out of range in the high range, ICD-10 code "E66.3" will populate in the assessment portion of the exam
    • If BMI is out of range in the low range, ICD-10 code "R63.6" will populate in the assessment portion of the exam
  5. Connecting lines are now displayed on the Vitals Graphs.
  6. "Patient Denied Optomap" now displays correctly in the Dilation section of the Physical Exam.
  7. We eliminated the issue that appended "Refractive Surgery" in the physical exam when the diagnosis was H52.01, H52.12, H52.13, H52.201, H52.202, H52.203, H52.4
  8. Pachymetry has been added to the vitals page.

  9. In the Exam, you can now pull in patient counseling items from  You can check what content you want to share with the patient.

 10. You can now choose the Default Rx Expiration (1 or 2 years) for both Spectical and Contact Lenses.  How do I set the Default Rx Expiration?

 11. You can now view Improvement Activity data for MIPS within the EHR.

MIPS reporting is still under construction. The next update will include additional reporting flexibility and customization.

 12. When a Fill-In Provider is added, their License Number and State are now required fields. How to Setup a Fill-In Provider

 13. There is no longer a delay showing the Fill-In Provider name on the Rx print out.

Patient Information Updates

  1. You can now successfully remove an Emergency Contact from a patient record.
  2. When a patient Communication Method is deleted from a patient record that method will also be removed as a Recall Communication Method.
  3. All appointments now display correctly in the appointments section of the Patient Transaction page when "All Appointments" is selected.
  4. We fixed a bug that caused an unexpected error when a user tried to delete a Recall under the Recall tab on the Patient record.
  5. Unanswered questions on the Patient Questionnaire will import into the Exam as blank and not "Unknown."
  6. We updated the Patient Questionnaire text within the History section to match the text found in the EHR Exam.
  7. If there is a Last Name "Request Change" selected in the Patient Questionnaire it will display under the Demographics tab of the Questionnaire tab.
  8. We fixed a bug that prevented saving changes to the Questionnaire toggles (checkboxes) in Admin. How do I make changes to the Questionnaire?
  9. You can now document a patient's sex as "Unknown" as well as document sexual orientation and gender identity.
  10. If "Unknown" is selected for sex in the demographic information, a "U" will display next to the patient's age in the patient header.

Invoices,Orders and Claims Updates

  1. Now, when performing an [Insurance -> Insurance] transfer or a [Private Pay -> Insurance] transfer, a new claim is created for the new insurance.
  2. We fixed a bug that caused an invoice to show blank lines when an Rx Order is created, posted to a new invoice and then a payment is posted.
  3. If a Payment has been voided, it now reflects accurately in the Invoice In-Line Ledger.  How do I Void a Payment?
  4. We've added a MSP Code dropdown to the claim in order to capture the reason Medicare is used as Secondary Insurance.
  5. Now, when ship to "Patient" or ship to "Other" is selected on a Standard or Custom CL order, the Rx Order tracking page displays "Patient" in the shipping column instead of "Office"
  6. We fixed a bug that caused Frame Inventory to report an incorrect Quantity after a frame was returned. The correct Quantity is now added back to inventory when a frame is returned or an Rx Order is cancelled.
  7. We made the selection of "No Lens" on a Standard or Custom Contact Lens order to be more intuitive.

8.  When Inventory is selected as the frame source for an Eyeglasses or Frame-Only order, Uprise will check your inventory and display, "Inventory on Hand:" in bold to the right.

This is for information purposes only. If there is a negative (-) number it will not stop you from completing the order.

Other Practice Management Updates

  1. Now, each time a user navigates to the Admin tab, it will always open in the Admin>Setup>Organization tab.
  2. When importing an insurance or creating a custom insurance, the location default provider (as defined in Admin > Setup > Locations) now pulls into box 33 of the insurance details for each corresponding location.
  3. Under "Lens Material Pricing", "Composite" has been replaced with "Trivex" to reflect industry standard.