Version 1.3.25
We are excited to reveal Uprise Version 1.3.25. Release Date: 10-31-2017
Built into the Patient profile the questionnaire can be launched at the time of check-in and the patient can fill it out in the office before their appointment or, an email will be sent to patients THREE days prior to their appointment with a link to the questionnaire. You can also email the patient their questionnaire link manually or a patient can fill-out the questionnaire from the Patient Portal if they have one setup.
The questionnaire is completed as one form and covers all areas of Demographic, Medical and Lifestyle information.
- You can now create a new user with the profile of "Fill-in Provider" which is tied to the Doctor's profile they're associated with. Fill-in doctors can be setup for ONLY 60 days. Their appointments will be scheduled under the provider they are filling-in for. However, they do not get their own column on the Scheduler.
- You can now print EOBs and ERAs.
- We increased the document file limit for uploading document files to 50 MB in the Patient Profile.
- We have moved the default Group Billing Provider from the Org level to the Location level. Now Uprise supports more than one default Billing Provider for multi-location practices. How to Setup a Default Billing Provider by Location
- Under Admin > Setup > Insurances, the plan detail for Provider now has editable fields for First, Middle, Last Name, Credentials, and Suffix.
- Fill in Providers are not permitted to perform the following actions:
- E Prescribe
- Send Secure Messaging
- File Claims in their name
- Have a Schedule
- Appear on the Invoice
- Appear in any Reports
- Attest to Meaningful Use, MIPS, or PQRS
View the following KB article to learn: How to Setup a Full-In Provider
7. The "Signed" field on the Claim form is now an editable field. If your office forgets to mark in the patient file that they have signed the authorizations this can now be documented after a claim is created.

8. If patient is marked as a Test Patient, data linked to that patient will be excluded on the "Exams Per Day Report"

- CMS50 and CMS68 are now included in the MIPS Reporting. For more information please visit: MIPS Knowledge Base Articles
- Providers can now add modifier TC (Technical Component) in the Exam under the procedures section.
- Provider credentials appear after their name on the printed Rx whether from the EHR or the PM.
- You now have the ability to document "+" cylinders for refractions in the EHR.
- MIPS Quality Measures were updated for CMS131v5 - Diabetes: Eye Exam and CMS167v5 - Diabetic Retinopathy: Documentation of Presence or Absence of Macular Edema and Level of Severity . For all Quality MIPS details see: How to Achieve Quality Measurements in Uprise
- You will now see the "Refraction Type" listed in the "Device Integration Data" import list.
Claims and Insurance
- The notes created in Box 19 referencing Surgery Claim Information have been modified to be transmitted electronically as expected.
- Box 9a on the CMS claim printout now displays the "Insured ID" and not the "Group ID."
- On the claim, you are now able to edit the number of units for vcode v2200. This allows the biller to separate each unit and apply a "RT" and a "LT" modifier.
- In Admin > Setup > Organization you will now see the Clearing House your practice is associated with. Also, when adding a payer under Admin > Insurances the Payer ID is a required field. It will automatically populate on Insurance Import or can me typed in when creating a Custom Insurance.
- If any data is changed on an insurance such as a payer ID or name, those changes will update to your Uprise list of insurances.
- A bug was fixed on the Claim that caused patient telephone numbers to not display correctly.
- Lens Add-Ons now generate the appropriate V-code on the invoice and claim.
- The "Edit" button has been added back to "Secondary Claims."
Practice Management
- We fixed an issue that displayed deleted line items to show on the invoice receipt.
- Providers with disabled status no longer display in the provider dropdown on the invoice.
- We fixed a bug that prevented a patient credit to be applied to another invoice if an Rx Order was cancelled and refunded from the original invoice line in the Ledger.
- A refund made on an Rx Order with multiple vcodes now displays the refund paid value to each vcode of the RX. Previously only one refund was being displayed on the ledger and all vcodes were tied to it.
- We fixed a bug that displayed some invoices as a blank window when attempting to open from the Home tab.
- When calculating the appointment time to send to 4PC, we added logic to recognize the "Day Light Savings" flag on the location to ensure the correct local time is sent.
- We fixed an issue that caused an exception in the Rx Order selecting Inventory for a Patient's Own for Frame with Non-Custom Brand and with Custom Model.
- You can now add custom spectacle "Lens Material." Before the fix lens material options were not displayed.
- We updated the logic for "Pat > Ins" and "Ins > Pat" transfers to eliminate an error message stating the transfer amount cannot be greater than the patient responsibility. Now:
- Pat -> Ins transfer amount can be equal to or less than the total patient responsibility amount.
- Ins -> Pat transfer amount can be equal to or less than the total insurance responsibility amount.