August 2019 Release Notes

We are excited to reveal Uprise release notes for the month of August 2019. On top of many feature enhancements, we’ve addressed a few bugs that may have impacted your practice.  

Practice Management System Enhancements and New Features

  1. You now have the ability to view and edit patient appointment notes from the home screen. The Notes icon is now clickable.
  2. Appointment notes print on the Glance Sheet when accessed from the Home tab.
  1. You can now see which provider the patient saw on the Patient Summary > Appointments grid.
  1. We fixed an issue that prevented the Insurance Indicator to not show green when eligibility was checked on Scheduler tab.
  2. There was an issue that set frames to "Open" status but displayed them as $0.00 on the invoice and this could not be edited. This has been fixed. Any item set to "Open" pricing is required by the user to enter a price on the Invoice before it can be Paid/Posted/Saved, indicated by the pricing field outlined in red per the online documentation. 

Practice Management Bug Fixes

  1. We fixed an issue that caused the wrong Contact Preference Order in some areas of Uprise. This has been resolved and changes to contact order are now reflected correctly on the Scheduler Appointment and the Patient Summary tab.
  2. On the Admin > Catalogs windows, if you Select All in the search list, the total number of products now matches the total number displayed at the bottom of the list.
  3. You can now search a frame by the UPC code under catalogs.
  4. We continued to focused on performance enhancements in August. Many improvements were made to increase speed and eliminate unexpected errors.