Version 1.3.38

We are excited to reveal Uprise Version 1.3.38.    Scheduled Release Date: 09-06-2018

NEW Features and Functions

1.  You can now view and edit the narrative data on a claim line item. How do I Edit the Narrative on a Claim Item?

2.  The following updates have been made to the Aging Report Combined Balance:

  • Now it is separated by Locations;
  • The report lists Patient Name with the expand option and the summary total;
  • When expanded, the grid displays an inset to show each patient invoice but with patient balance plus insurance balance combined.
  1. There is now a contact column displayed on the Recall tab so you can view this information directly from that worklist.
  1. The fields have been extended on the Login Screen to be able to see all of the characters of a Username and Password.
  2. Frame fields now display on the Rx Order print out from the Prescription Order form.

Practice Management Bug fixes and Updates

  1. Inactive retail products, other fees and professional services cannot be added to an invoice.
  2. When selecting an insurance for a NEW patient, the insurance dropdown in the Appointment modal only displays active insurances. Those insurances are in alphabetical order.
  3. Frame fields now display on the Rx Order print out from the Prescription Order form.