We are excited to reveal Uprise Version We’ve addressed a few bugs that may have impacted your practice. Release Date: 03-01-2017
- We've adjusted the spacing on the printed CMS 1500 Form to correctly align all fields.
- We resolved the issue that prevented users from adding discounts or edit pricing to an Rx Order using the "Price Order" button.
- The system now displays the correct amount for a "Patient Balance" in the Invoice after a recoupment and a transfer of payment to the patient occurred during posting an EOB.
- We fixed the issue that caused adjustments from the remittance details (i.e. Write Off or Transfer to Patient) to reverse and calculate incorrectly on the Invoice after an "Edit Service" was performed on an invoice line item.
- covered above
- Prism Directions now print in the appropriate location for Eyeglass Orders for all order statuses including Draft and Posted.
- Now, there is no limit on the number of Patient Statements than can be printed at one time.
- You are now able to reopen a Prescription Order after it has been posted to an invoice and add a Supplier if the order was originally set to "Manual Order."