December 2020 Release Notes
We are excited to reveal Uprise release notes for December 2020. This month, we’ve expanded the Order functionality in the EHR, updated MIPS Reporting and addressed a few bugs that may have impacted your practice.
In the Order section of an Exam you can now select who (profile or individual) to send an order task to based on the content of the task. Previously, the task could only be sent to the front desk and visible in the Home Screen.
You can select the order type from the list then send that task to a specific profile, individual or all staff in the practice with the "Send Task To" option.
Now tasks can be viewed in the Optical/Checkout tab under Tasks, in the Patient's tab in the Summary section, and in the Home Tab.
To change the status of a Task, click on the hyperlink to toggle between incomplete and complete status.
The Recall option has been removed from the Select Order Type Window and is now in the Configure tab within the EHR. To access it select Configure > Exam Configurations > Exam Types > Double click on the Exam type to open. You can choose if you would like the Recall section to default onto the Exam just like any other existing section.
If there is a Recall setup, once the doctor signs the Exam or selects Ready for Billing, that recall will be automatically created on the patient's record.
MIPS Updates
The Quality Measures have been updated and bugs regarding report metrics have been resolved.
There were no major changes to Uprise Practice Management in this update.