February 2025 Release Notes
We are pleased to present Uprise release notes for February 2025.
3.1.184 - February 26, 2025 Release:
- Glance Sheet functionality has been improved to allow the document to recognize historical appointment information. When accessing and/or printing a glance sheet for a past, current, or future date, the appointment information now populates the Provider, date, time, and type of the given appointment. (Prior to this improvement, the Glance Sheet always and only reflected the next scheduled appointment's data.)
3.1.184 - February 26, 2025 Release:
- No EHR updates at this time.
3.1.184 - February 26, 2025 Release:
- Resolved a defect that prevented edits to custom frames from saving. Edits can now be saved and will be properly reflected throughout the application.
- Resolved a defect that prevented the practice location logo from properly uploading and displaying. You can now upload and view the logo that meets the requirements of a maximum file size of 5MB and formatted as either jpg, png, gif or pdf file using the Admin > Setup > Locations tab.
- Resolved an issue that prevented custom-created frames from being properly added to an order. Users can now consistently search for and add custom made frames to eyeglass orders. (NOTE: This does not ensure that the frame can be ordered from an electronic supplier, in that those types of orders are only available for items loaded from the Uprise master catalog.)
- Resolved a defect that resulted in an unhandled exception when selecting an invoice line within the Invoice Ledger.
- Resolved an defect that affected Resource availability in the appointment builder dialog. Prior to this release, when the resource was edited/reselected while attempting to schedule an appointment, the "Resource" display failed to refresh to reflect the availability of the newly-selected resource. This has been corrected, and the view of a resource's availability is now automatically refreshed when editing the selected resource.
- Resolved a defect that resulted in an unhandled exception when clearing the appointment date on the Home > Dashboard tab within the "Appointments" row. If the date is cleared and no new date is entered, when selecting an action the date is now automatically reverted to the current day and no unhandled exception is displayed.
- Resolved a defect that incorrectly displayed inactive providers in the drop down list when assigning a preferred provider to a patient profile. Only active providers will be available to select as a patient's preferred provider.
- Resolved a defect that caused the Day Sheet to improperly reflect the transaction date when the time/date failed to calculate based on the location's Time Zone setting.
- Resolved a defect that sometimes prevented the ability to edit an existing user based on a missing NPI number when NPI is not actually required for the given profile.
- Resolved a defect that prevented tax from being properly calculated based on a discounted fee. Tax Is now properly calculated based on the amount remaining after a discount has been applied when pricing any given item(s) on an open invoice.
- Resolved a defect that limited the number of results returned when searching for patient recall items dated more than one year term in the past. Recall searched will now correctly reflect all recall items within the given search terms.
- Resolved a defect that sometimes resulted in an inaccurate number of records when exporting search results from the Products > Rx Order Tracking tab to a .csv file.
- Resolved a defect that affected the statement generation for Uprise organizations with more than 40 locations. Prior to this release, the statements failed to properly generate when more than 40 locations were selected in the search filter.