We are excited to introduce to you Uprise Version This release brings you feature enhancements in both the Practice Management and EHR, as well as addresses a number of bugs that may have impacted your practice.
Admin - Catalogs
Streamlined Product Pricing:
- You can now make changes to pricing at any time and are no longer restricted to waiting until the next day.
- It is no longer necessary to switch between organization and location catalogs when adding products and pricing. This reduces steps for both single and multi-location practices.
Frame Configurations: You can now designate a lens color for sunglasses in your product catalogs.
Admin - Setup
Managing Insurance: You can now add insurances yourself, either by importing from our master database or by adding an insurance that isn't in our list.
ICD-10 Update: ICD-10 codes selected in the EHR are now displayed in invoices and you have the ability to remove, add, and edit the ICD-10 codes.
Faster Access: We've optimized the system to make it faster to access the EHR.
Use of Billable ICD-10 Codes:
- When an encounter-related diagnosis code is selected in the Physical Exam, the selected code will display in the Assessment. The billable code will also display and will be defaulted to Initial Encounter, which you can change as appropriate.
- We've refined the diagnoses associated with tissues in the Physical Exam to prevent selection of non-billable codes.
- The ability to select OU when making a monocular diagnosis has been removed to prevent the use of a non-billable code.
Default Provider: Practices with only one provider will now see that provider as the default when creating a New Exam.
Scrolling: We've updated the Exam Type window to support scrolling for users who access the system on a laptop or smaller screen.
Viewing Performed Items: Signed Exams will now display a read-only checkbox indicating which Screening Procedures, Tests, and Orders have been performed, without having to open each item individually.
Viewing Appointments: All appointments, for all resource types, will be displayed when "All" is selected in the Patient Side Bar filter.
EHR - Binocular Vision
Deselect Buttons: You now have the option to deselect buttons for all Binocular Vision Tests.
Slider Changes:
- PRA Blur Field and PRA Recovery Field Sliders now default to minus values.
- NRA and PRA sliders now provide a range of 0.00 to 20.00.
- The Vergence Sliders now provide a range of 0.00 to 40.00 with increments of 0.50.
Vergence Tab: We've updated the order of the fields on the Vergence Tab to the following:

EHR - Exam Type Configurations
Default Tests: You can now configure default Binocular Vision and Other Tests by exam type and designate favorites so that they display at the top of the list.
EHR - Physical Exam
Workflow Enhancements:
- You now have the ability to make a single selection and change all unselected items to Normal when recording External, Anterior, and Posterior findings in the Physical Exam.
- You are now able to search for diagnoses by ICD-10 code and diagnoses name in the Physical Exam.
EHR - Refractions
Contact Lens Rigid Refraction: We've added the following fields to the Contact Lens Rigid Refraction:
- OZD (Optical Zone Diameter)
- BC2 (Base Curve #2)
- SegWd (Segment Width)
- SCR2 (Secondary Curve Radius #2)
- SCW2 (Secondary Curve Width #2)
- OAD2 (Overall Diameter #2)
- Plasma
- Dot
Copying to a New Contact Lens Refraction:
- Observation values will now be copied from the original to the new Refraction.
- Sphere is the only Over Refraction value that will be calculated on a copied Contact Lens Refraction. Cylinder and Axis will be transferred, but no calculation will occur.
Tabbing Through Fields: The cursor now moves from field-to-field properly when using the tab key to enter data during a Contact Lens Refraction.
Field Validation and Slider Changes: We've updated the field validation ranges for Diameter, Sphere, Sphere #2, and Center Thickness. The Slider ranges and increments have also been updated accordingly.
EHR - Printouts
Annotation Printouts: Exam date will now be displayed to the right of the patient name in a printed Annotation.
Changes to Full Mode Printouts:
- The Cover Letter will display as the first page of the document instead of in the Order section.
- Tissue Name is now displayed in the Normal Findings Physical Exam.
- The Procedures/Special Tests section will now display the headings "Interpretation and Report" and “Operative Findings”.
- Provider Name will now be included in the footer.
Next Day Actions: We resolved an issue that was restricting you from selecting today's date when recording dates in the system.
Admin - Catalogs
Importing Products:
- Professional Services that contain an apostrophe in the description can now be imported without issue.
- We resolved an issue that was causing errors when importing sunglass frames.
EHR - Clinical Summary
Compose CCD: We resolved an issue that was causing an error to display if an exam was unsigned and modified to create a new CCD.
EHR - Patient Record
Modified Records Error: We resolved an issue that was causing "Record Modified by Other User" to display in the EHR when no other user made changes to the Patient Record.
EHR - Physical Exam
Eye Annotation: We have optimized the annotation drawing tool.
Favorites: We added scrolling functionality that allows you to access all of your favorite diagnoses in the Physical Exam.
Findings: The Physical Exam will no longer display "Everything Normal". This applies to both new and historical exams.
EHR - Vitals
IOP Graph: IOP graphs will now display for all methods.
IOP Data: IOP data will now display in graphs, with or without a target, and when OD and OS values are equal.
EHR - Orders
Attachments: Users no longer have the ability to remove Order attachments on a Signed Exam.
Exam PDF: We resolved an issue in orders where exam PDFs attached to orders were blank. These will now contain the exam information.
Referral Type Error: You can change the Referral Type on an Order without receiving an error.
Modified Records Error: We resolved an issue that was causing "Record Has Been Update by Another User" to display on the invoice when no other user made an update.
Patient Portal
- The Medical History Form now lists "Diabetes or High Blood Sugar" instead of duplicating “Diabetes or High Blood Pressure”.
- The Eye Care History Form now displays “Frequent” instead of the misspelling, “Frequest”.
Rx Orders
Frame Order: You are now able to print out an Rx Order for frames.
Manifest Sphere Value: Manifest Sphere is no longer required when posting a Custom Contact Order to an Invoice.