Version 1.3.13

We are excited to reveal Uprise Version 1.3.13. On top of feature enhancements, we’ve also addressed a number of bugs that may have impacted your practice.  Release Date: 11/10/2016

Practice Management System Features & Enhancements

NEW! Electronic Benefit Eligibility and Authorization for Vision


  1. The list of Insurances now filters alphabetically from the Claims Tracking Search.
  2. When an insurance (vision or medical) has been inactivated and the user opens the benefit modal the "New Benefit Request" button has been hidden.
  3. Now, when an invoice (with an existing claim) is updated with a Return/Exchange, the new claim created will not display the negative invoice line item (the item returned.)
  4. When a balance transfer occurs from insurance to the patient from a Posted Remittance,  the balance transfer reason on the invoice is now the same selected reason code from the Posted Remittance adjustment for any given line item.

5.  We updated the Invoice Receipt so it's less confusing for our patients to see what items a payment was applied. Now they will see a separate "Payments" section summarizing the Invoice Items and total payment.

Optical Check/Out

  1. Under the Optical/Checkout tab we updated the "Prescriptions" section to no longer display the label "Prism" if there is not a HPrism or VPrism in the Rx.
  2. Now, any items that are set to "Open Pricing" display with a "Set Fee" hyperlink on the Order, e.g. to update pricing on the Rx Order. Clicking the hyperlink allows you to add the price on the fly. Also, item fees are now hyperlinks available for editing.  Updating Open Priced Items from an Rx Order
  3. We added a Patient Responsibility field in the "Edit Line Item Pricing" window. Now you can key in the remaining patient responsibility in addition to co-pay when you are editing a Line Item Price and have the Insurance responsibility automatically update.  How do I Change the Patient Responsibility in an Invoice?
  4. When a frame is selected from "Patient's Own" with the Lookup Frame option selected, the selected frame product (including measurements) information is now preserved when switching from "Patient's Own" to "Laboratory" or any of the other sources.
  5. You are now be able to quickly "Check Out" a patient after recording a payment directly from their Invoice.
  6. A warning message will display when editing a service line item for any pricing changes (responsibility, discounts, adjustments, etc.) to indicate a review of fees and re-add any that you want to include.
  7. When viewing a posted invoice or editing a draft invoice we now have, a "Total" row under all columns for Professional Services, Prescription Orders and Miscellaneous Items.
  8. We've added a Total line below all the charges on the Invoice windows and the Printed Invoice Receipt. Now you will see the, "Total Current Charges" for the Fee, Insurance and Patient columns.

9.  Now, quickly change a patient's appointment status from the Optical/Checkout tab using a right click anywhere in the "Appointment Status" cell for the patient.

Admin Catalog

  1. When you search for a certain lens type in the "Spectacle Lens Catalog" and then open up the "Material Pricing" window to change fees, the lens type filter now defaults based on what was set in the main catalog filter.
  2. We've simplified the process of pricing frames by defaulting the Cost type to the last selected Cost type. This reduces the number of clicks.
  3. There is a new search field on the invoice so you can add a Miscellaneous Item using the UPC/SKU.  If you have a barcode scanner this makes adding products easier.


  1. NEW! We now have an Inventory on Hand report. Used for inventory store audits.
  2. NEW! This report is used to view payments by patients over a specified time frame. The report details are grouped by patient and broken down posted date and payment method.

EHR Features & Enhancements

  1. You now have the ability to key a numeric value, select a text value (Steep, Medium, Flat, Flat2), or select a numeric value from a slider for 'Skirt Curve' in 'Hybrid Sphere' and 'Multifocal refractions'.
  2. Now, if the same ICD with different eye location and status is added to the assessment using the plus sign it does not replace any other instances of that ICD that already exist.
  3. ICD10 codes are now placed in the appropriate categories within the physical exam.
  4. The 4 digits after the decimal of a documented ICD10 code now updates in the exam if the location of the eye or severity changes.
  5. The column width of the Assissment and Coding tile in the EHR ahs been widened to accommodate the ICD10 codes with 7 digits.
  6. Now, all Vitals, IOPs, DVA and NVA show when previewing the CCD in the EHR.

Bug Fixes


  1. Now, when a user deletes a sent email, the message is removed for the list and the position of the user remains in the sent items folder.
  2. A bug was fixed that prevented negative assessments to display in the Summary of the Physical Exam.
  3. Medications that were previously ordered on a different exam should not display in Orders section of new exam after the (+) icon has been selected in the medication tile.
  4. We made a quick fix so the user is able to create an examination order and attach an exam PDF without error.
  5. You now have the ability to view more than 15 messages in the sent folder in the Message Center.
  6. When creating a prescription you can now use the backspace key to remove an existing "+" Sphere value and then press the "-" key to replace.


We fixed a bug in EOB claims edits that allowed an Add/Delete Adjustment to be saved without entering a Group code and Reason Code. This ultimately caused an unexpected error upon posting. Now you cannot edit and save Add/Delete Adjustments without entering Group Code and Reason Code.

Patient and Scheduling

  1. When entering an "Insured Party Contact" (e.g. adding a son to a father's insurance) on a patient record, there was an issue that allowed an incorrect typed DOB for the "Contact" to override the DOB on their Patient record. This issue has been resolved and the DOB will only update from the Patient record.
  2. Now there is a field on the patient record to see the amount of "Available Credit" for a patient.
  3. From the Scheduler, use a single click an appointment to display an action menu to quickly update the status of a patient.  


  1. We corrected the "Date of Service" on printed claims to reflect date of service for the appointment instead of the create date for the order.
  2. We fixed a bug that prevented ERA/EOB postings to not handle negative adjustments.
  3. When posting an ERA for a secondary claim (after the primary payer forwards the claim to the secondary) the ERA now posts without error and posts with the correct insurance sent in the ERA file.
  4. When posting an ERA for a secondary claim (after the primary payer forwards the claim to the secondary) the ERA now posts without error and posts with the correct insurance sent in the ERA file.
  5. Now, when posting an ERA to an invoice with returned invoice lines an error does not occur.
  6. We fixed an issue that prohibitted posting remits (both EOB and ERA) with 39 or more claims.
  7. We corrected the allocation of fees for lenes to be displayed as the full charge for the pair.


  1. Now, you can NOT import the same product multiple times using the single import function and bulk import function.
  2. We fixed a bug that caused and exception error when a customer tried to add more than one frame to a Custom Manufacturer.


  1. The check boxes are now available to use in the Rx Order Return/Exchange window.
  2. The Date of Service on a Professional Service invoice line generated from the EHR now populates based on the exam date, not the UTC time.
  3. When editing an Rx Order, Uprise no longer displays a "Post to Invoice" button for "Standard Contacts Rx" orders if it has already been posted. That caused a bit of confusion.
  4. Lens add-ons now display in Spectacle Lens Rx Printouts even when either OD or OS is set as "No Lens"
  5. When generating an order from a selected prescription under the "Optical/Checkout" tab, we fixed a logic error that caused an "Expired" error message when the "Expiration Date" was not expired.
  6. When an adjustment is added to an invoice after the invoice has been posted, the adjustment now updates in the payment history of the line item. `
  7. You are now able to apply multiple payments using Credit and Debit card payment types.
  8. We fixed a bug that cleared the "Provider" field on an Rx Order when the Insurance was changed.
  9. When adding a new Open Priced Service or Product to an invoice through the Return/Exchange window it will display the open pricing hyperlink to 'Set Fee." Before the system was returning a $0.00 and the price could not be updated.
  10. Inactive Adjustment and Discount reasons will no longer display in the Edit Pricing window when creating or editing an Adjustment or Discount.
  11. We fixed a bug that caused a wrong payment to be posted when updating a payment slightly larger in the "Payment History" on an Invoice. All payment updates are now posted as expected.
  12. If you "Remove Tax" from an invoice item, the tax is now removed even if the tax authorities that had been applied are no longer active.
  13. We fixed a bug in the Products Tab that displayed two "Price Order" buttons on a "Copy to New Quote" window.
  14. We resolved an issue that prevented Active Procedures to be visible when editing services on an Invoice.
  15. We updated the invoice so Spectacle Lens pricing is not a field that can be edited.
  16. We fixed a bug that prevented saving an Invoice after a change was made to the Order from within the original Invoice.
  17. It is now easier to add a prescription to an existing invoice. After adding the prescription simply click the "Save" button. The "Post to Invoice" button has been removed from this workflow.
  18. We fixed a bug that prevented the Discount button to at the top of the Invoice doesn't Reset the Method to $ Amount if previously on % Original


We fixed a bug in the "Sales Tax Report" that caused some lines to display 0.00 tax when there really was tax to report.