September 2019 Release Notes
We are excited to reveal Uprise release notes for the month of September 2019. On top of many feature enhancements, we’ve addressed a few bugs that may have impacted your practice.
- We resized the resource templates so it no longer partially covers the patient's name and appointment details.
- Now you can order your resource columns entering a sort order field under the "Admin > Setup > Resources" screen. Default is 0. When 0 is selected the Resources will be displayed alphabetically. When a number 1-100 is selected, the order entered per resource will display in the schedule grid from left to right. You can have a combination of both 0 and numbers, and zero will take priority/show first.
How to set the Order for how Resources will Display on the Scheduler.
- The monthly calendar is now easy to view in the upper left corner of the scheduler.
- We added a checkbox option to set a preference for allowing appointments to resize/move using the mouse. This was added to avoid accidentally changing an appointment. The default is to allow resize/move functionality. Uncheck to turn off. Left Sidebar Options on Scheduler
- We also added a feature to turn on a confirmation request for resizing or moving appointments.
- The appointments and calendar tab now show the same day so customers can perform actions across the same expected day.
- Resource templates no longer disappear when overlapping a time slot.
- You are now able to quickly schedule appointments by dragging down on time slots and having the appointment window open.
- Now when you hover over a resource template you will see the type of appointments linked to that block.
- You can now select multiple resources to display on the calendar, not just one or All.
- We fixed an issue that prevented claims to not submit if it did not have a referring provider.
- An issue was resolved that caused the following "Error: Purchased Service Provider is missing when sending purchasing service charge amount" when submitting a claim electronically.