
We are excited to reveal Uprise Version On top of many feature enhancements, we’ve addressed a few bugs that may have impacted your practice.   Targeted Release Date: 04/04/2019

EHR System Enhancements and New Features

  1. You can now search by clinical description (SNOMED) codes under the Physical Exam. 
  2. We fixed a bug that allowed a treatment to be deleted on a signed exam.
  3. Binocular vision no longer goes blank after an exam is unsigned.
  4. We fixed an issue that prevented a provider from signing an exam after a technician checked "All Normal" in the ROS section.
  5. You can now select an 'All Normal' checkbox per each Past Family Social History (PFSH) section in order to quickly document medical history. 
  6. We increased the column size when viewing an exam in standard size. This allows the notes for the procedures/special test wider. 
  7. Now, adding a trial lens refraction in the EHR will only display trial lenses as selectable options.
  8. Two users can now view and edit the same exam at the same time. This excludes, the ‘What and When’ section and ‘Communication’ section. All modifications made to the exam are saved in real time. When one user signs an exam while another user is editing that exam, the second user will be prompted with an alert while prior changes will be saved.

Practice Management System Enhancements and New Features

  1. You can now add Trial Contact Lenses in the Catalog. Trial CLs are identified as Diagnostic Lenses in the catalog. Also, Trial Contact Lenses can be selected in the Exam and added to an Rx Order.

Adding Trial Contact Lenses (Diagnostic Lenses) to the Catalog

Adding Trial CL Order in the EHR

Creating an Rx Order for Trial Contact Lenses

  1. In an Rx Order, if an option for Balance Lens, No Lens or Plano is selected, Dist. PD can now be added.
  2. You can now view the EOB for an Electronic Remittance (ERA) using the 'View EOB' button on the Remittance Details.
  3. Now, in the Bulk Import window, all Manufacturer Frames can be selected by checking the 'Mfg Brand Model' checkbox in the header. This will select all pages not just a single page to import.
  1. We have added a 'Select All' button to the Catalog > Frames grid. Clicking 'Select All' will check all products on all pages and the button will toggle to 'Deselect All'. This will allow you to apply a pricing method to all frames selected across pages.
  1. The 'Pricing Assistant' for frames now shows up to 10 formulas by default.
  2. We improved the bulk import for Frames and Contact Lenses so it will not time out when importing over 200+ products.
  3. You can now perform a bulk import for Spectacle Lens Add-Ons. How to Bulk Load Spectacle Lens Add-Ons