Version 1.3.39

We are excited to reveal Uprise Version 1.3.39.    Scheduled Release Date: 11-06-2018

Practice Management Bug fixes and Updates

  1. When selecting a Frame from Inventory the printed Rx Order will display all of the Lab info and Rx Order date.
  2. We fixed an issue that incorrectly added policy holder's name as "First name, First name" when adding an insurance in the appointment scheduler.
  3. We removed a character limitation for Frame Color. This was causing an issue in the Rx Order.
  4. Importing a custom Contact Lens will no longer throw an error when adding a value for the manufacturer.
  5. The billing code V2702 - Deluxe lens Feature now populates as expected when adding a Custom Spectacle Lens Add-On.
  6. The patient balance on an invoice no longer disappears when an Rx Order is marked received.
  7. We added V2700 to all items under BAL add-ons.
  8. On the Claim form, box 29 no longer displays the insurance paid amount. Only patient paid amounts are displayed.
  9. For box 9d on the claim does not lock for secondaries. Also, if an insurance is inactive it will show in red.
  10. After the user updates the patient profile to "signed" for HIPAA and Financial Authorization, the "not signed" will no longer display in Red.
  11. Once a product has been imported into a Catalog, it will no longer show up on the import list.
  12. The results for the patient statement report and patient statement details message are now the same.
  13. When submitting a claim, we updated the confirmation box that reads "Signature on File is missing from box 12 and/or 13. Submitting a claim without this information may affect claim payment. Do you want to continue?" to display "No" as the first choice.
  14. You can now view/add/edit adjudication information on the claim form for secondary claims.  How to Create a Secondary Claim from the Remittance Details Window