How Can I Send Transaction Data to my POS System?
Payments entered in the payment screen can be sent to the payment terminal so that Uprise is in sync with Worldpay. This feature must be turned on for the Organization as well as by Location.
3. Select Edit to set up devices
You will see any devices previously set up listed here. You will not see this section if "Enable POS Integration" is disabled.
4. This is the location's list of configured devices
You can delete any terminals with the delete button. Select Add New Device to add a new terminal.
Acceptor ID, Account ID, Terminal ID and Token ID are all found in IQ Self Service portal tab.
- 1. Select the Self Service tab on the left navigation panel
- 2. Click on the blue + button. select your Merchant ID (MID), click search
- 3. See your credentials under the Express Credentials tab on the top right
- 4. Your DefaultTerminal ID is 0001
A short video of how to find the Account ID, Acceptor ID and Account Token is linked here.
The iQ Demo videos are linked here.
5. To add a new device select "Add New Device"
6. Enter in New Device information > Save
Activation Code: The activation code appears on the screen of the triPOS Cloud device once it’s plugged in and connected to the Internet. The format is “C######” as shown in your screenshot, for Cert devices; or “P######” for Production devices.
Display Name: This is the name of the device that will appear in the terminal drop down in the payment screen.
7. One the feature has been set up, you will see the terminal option when making a payment
8. Select the terminal from the terminal dropdown list, enter in the appropriate payment amount and select save. This will send that transaction information to the terminal.
9. Swipe the card in the terminal and that will pull the card info back into Uprise
Once payment has been successfully completed, a pop up messaged will appear that reads "Successfully Paid"