What's the Difference Between the Invoice and Transaction Ledgers?

Invoice Ledger

The Invoice Ledger displays the activity recorded on an invoice. Line item charges, description of payments and invoice balances.

In this example:

  1. Charge for 92014 -comprehensive exam was recorded for $125.00 and a patient responsibility of $20.00.
  2. Patient Credit was used to pay the patient responsibility of $20.00.

At this point, we do not know if the Patient credit came from a Pre-Payment (Unapplied Payment) or a Patient Credit.

Transaction Ledger

The Transaction Ledger lists each Fee and Payment that took place.

  1. Pre-payment was taken for $20.00. This is considered an Unapplied Payment.
  2. A fee for $105.00 was recorded for Insurance.
  3. A fee for $20.00 was recorded for the Patient.
  4. Payment was made for the $20.00 using the Unapplied Payments.