Using the EHR Worklist
The EHR Worklist allows providers to view outstanding items for all patients related to any/all providers at a practice. It can be accessed from the EHR > Worklist tab.
The Worklist is further divided into two sections: Referrals, and Exams.
Referral Worklist
- The Referral Worklist tab allows providers to manage and maintain outbound references for all patients in a practice.
- Referral items cam be filtered by logic fields to select Provider, Status, and or Date Ranges of each referral.
- Column headers display information related to each referral, and eligible actions for referral management appear in the far-right hand column of this menu.
Exams Worklist
- The Exams Worklist tab allows providers to manage and maintain exam-related tasks for all patients in a practice, without requiring an individual Patient profile to be opened in the EHR first.
- Search logic fields allow users to navigate by Provider, Status, and or Date Ranges, as well as by Patient name, Exam Type, and/or Exam Status.
- Clicking a patient name will open the exam documentation menu directly from this tab to allow providers to complete task from the Worklist tab.
- The Exams Worklist will also display error messages for any outstanding items to be completed on unsigned exams before signing.