How to Scan Documents into the EHR
Users can scan documents directly into different sections of the EHR including the Documents tab, Imaging tab and Results tab as well into the Exam in the Screening procedures, Other Tests and Procedures/Special Tests sections.
Before you can begin scanning directly into the EHR you will need to download and install the Kofax WebCapture Installer. This is a one time process.
Your scanner must support a Twain driver. Not all scanner models support Twain driver, but this is the driver that must be installed before the following one-time scanner setup instructions are attempted.
If you have already downloaded the Kofax software to scan in documents in to a Patient's Record through the documents tab, you will not need to download it again.
1. To Set Up Scanning for the First Time
1.2. The installer will download and be accessible in the lower left corner of your Chrome Browser > Double Click the Kofax .WebCapture.Installer.ini to begin installation

1.3. The Kofax Web Capture Service will install. After installation, you will need to refresh the browser.
2. Once Kofax Software has been installed, you will be able to scan documents in multiple places
2.3. Results Tab
Results Tab > New Result > Scan