How do Close, Done, Rx Ready, Ready for Billing and Sign Work?
Selecting the Close button will close the exam and not save any information.

Selecting Done will save and close the Exam. The Exam will be in draft and can be re-opened from the patient summary.

Rx Ready
If you are not finished documenting the exam but are ready for the Prescription to be send to the Optical/Checkout tab, click Rx Ready then Done. Note, this does not record the prescription to the patient record. Prescriptions are saved to a patient record once the exam is signed.

Ready for Billing
If you are not finished documenting the exam but are ready for the Prescription AND the Invoice to be send to the Optical/Checkout tab, click Ready for Billing then Done. Note, this does not record the prescription to the patient record. Prescriptions are saved to a patient record once the exam is signed.

If you are finished documenting the exam you can click Sign at the top of the exam. Signing an exam also sends the Prescription AND the Invoice to the Optical /Checkout tab. Also, the prescription is saved to the patient record.