How to Setup Modifier Rules Per Insurance

This feature lets users set a preference to automatically add RT/LT modifiers as well as any modifier rules that have been set to claims so that the appropriate modifier codes are defaulted per insurance.

1. Admin > Setup > Insurances > Select Insurance

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2. Select Modifier Rules

This tab is broken down into two sections:

RT/LT Defaults - this section will allow you to set a preference to automatically add RT/LT modifiers to the claim

Modifier Rules - this section will allow you to build out rules that automatically add modifiers to the claim based on the CPT codes selected

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3. To add RT/LT Defaults, select the box for that category

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4. To add modifier rules select Add New

You can give the rule any description, this is a free text field

Use the drop down arrow to select which CPT/HCPCS this rule applies to, and then select the modifier to add

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5. Select Add New to create another modifier rule. To delete a modifier rule select the black x on the right hand side

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