Spectacle Lens Add-Ons
Importing Spectacle Lens Add-Ons
1. Login to Uprise. Navigate to Admin -> Catalogs.
2. If your practice has more than one location, select the ORG Level from the Catalog drop down.
3. Select '2-Spectacle Lens Add-Ons' from the Category drop down.
4. Select 'Bulk Import'.
5. Select a Category and then 'Search'.
6. Choose the add-ons you want to import.
7. Once you've made all of your choices, select '### Items Selected- Add'.
8. Select 'Import'.
9. Select 'OK' on the message box that pops up.
10. Repeat this process for all categories (Coatings, Finishing, Other, Surfacing, Tints).
Once you have imported a lens add-on into your catalog, it will no longer appear in bulk import. You do not have to worry about importing any duplicates.
11. To price an add-on, click in the Fee column.
12. Fill in the per lens fee. Select 'Save'.
If you are unable to locate a lens add-on to import, notify your implementation specialist or support rep of the product name and the lab you order from. They will advise if that product is available to import or if it should be added manually.