
Bulk Importing Frames

1. Login to Uprise. Navigate to Admin -> Catalogs.

2. If your practice has more than one location, select the ORG Level from the Catalog drop down.

3. Select '3-Frames' from the Category drop down.

4. Select 'Bulk Import'.

5. Select the Manufacture and Brand. Collection is optional but will default if there is only one. Select 'Search'.

6. Choose 'Select All' then '#### Items Selected - Add'.

7. Select 'Import'.

8. Select 'OK' on the message box that pops up.

9. Repeat this process for all manufacturers and brands.

Manually Adding Frames

1. Choose 'Add Product'. Follow the appropriate scenario below.

2. Adding a configuration to an existing model:

  • Select the Manufacturer, Brand, and Model.
  • Under Matching Products, you'll see the configurations that have been imported (or are available to import).
  • Select 'Add Custom'
  • Fill in the information for that configuration. Select 'Save'
  • Select 'Save'

3. Adding a model to an existing brand:

  • Select the Manufacturer and Brand. At the very bottom of the Model drop down, select Custom.
  • Type the name of the Model in the box and click out of the box.
  • Select 'Add Custom'
  • Fill in the information for that configuration. Select 'Save'
  • Select 'Save'

4. Adding a brand to an existing manufacturer:

  • Select the Manufacturer. At the bottom of the Brand list, select Custom.
  • Type the name of the brand and model. Click outside of those boxes.
  • Select 'Add Custom'
  • Fill in the information for that configuration. Select 'Save'
  • Select 'Save'

5. Adding a manufacturer:

  • At the bottom of the Manufacturer list, select Custom.
  • Type the name of the manufacturer, brand, and model. Click outside of those boxes.
  • Select 'Add Custom'
  • Fill in the information for that configuration. Select 'Save'
  • Select 'Save'

Once you add a custom manufacturer, brand, or model, it will then be available for you to select from the drop downs to add additional models or configurations to. You do NOT have to select custom each time.

Bulk Pricing Frames

1. Select 'Pricing Assistant'.

2. Select 'New Formula'.

You can have one or multiple pricing formulas, depending on the business need.

3. Give the Pricing Model a name.

4. Add lines to the pricing formula depending on how many price points your formula includes.

5. Set the price points, multiplier, base fee, rounding, and suffix.

6. Choose 'Save' and 'Close'.

7. Use the search filters to search for the frames you want to price.

We recommend you price one brand or manufacturer at a time. Applying pricing to your entire catalog will sometimes cause the system to timeout depending on how many frames you have.

8. Choose 'Select All' then 'Pricing Method'.

9. Select 'Yes'.

10. Choose the Effective Date, Reason, Pricing Model, and Locations (if applicable).

Choosing the pricing model 'Manual' will allow you to manually set a fee for multiple frames at once.

11. Select 'Save'.

12. For frames imported through Bulk Import, the Wholesale column will update based on list wholesale price and the Fee column will update based on the applied pricing formula.

Manually Pricing Frames

1. To manually price a frame, click in the Fee column.

2. Fill in the fee. Select 'Save'.