Spectacle Lenses

Importing Spectacle Lenses

1. Login to Uprise. Navigate to Admin -> Catalogs.

2. If your practice has more than one location, select the ORG Level from the Catalog drop down.

3. Select '1-Spectacle Lenses' from the Category drop down.

4. Select 'Bulk Import'.

5. Select the Manufacture and Lens Type. You can fill in the Lens Design name to narrow your search results. Select 'Search'.

Utilize the manufacture labeled 'NonSpecific' for any unbranded/house choice lenses. This typically includes your standard single vision, bifocal, and trifocal products.

6. Select the lenses you want to import into your catalog, paying close attention to the material.

Clicking any where on the product line will select the product, it is not necessary to only click on the checkbox on the left hand side. Hovering your cursor over the material and clicking there can be helpful to ensure you're making the right selection.

7. Once you've made all of your selections, select '### Items Selected- Add'.

8. Select 'Import'.

9. Select 'OK' on the message box that pops up.

10. Repeat this process for all manufacturers and lens types.

Once you have imported a lens configuration into your catalog, it will no longer appear in bulk import. You do not have to worry about importing any duplicates.

Pricing Spectacle Lenses

Remember- pricing is PER LENS.

1. Once in the catalogs, with the category '1-Spectacle Lenses' selected, click on 'Price Design'.

2. For each lens design, click in the Base Price column to input the base price. This is the price you charge for clear plastic, per lens.

3. Choose the Effective Date, Reason, Locations, and select 'Apply'.

4. Click on 'Price Material'.

5. Select the Lens Type.

6. Click in the column where Plastic 1.50 and Price intersect. Enter $0.00 here (there is no up-charge for clear plastic).

7. From that box, hit Tab on your keyboard. This will take you to the next open field. Enter each component up-charge, per lens.

If selecting Tab skips a field or the system will not allow you to click in one of the boxes, that means you have not imported a lens with that attribute.

8. Choose the Effective Date, Reason, Locations, and choose 'Apply'.

9. Repeat this process for all four lens types.

10. Once you have completed both Price Design and Price Material, you can view the component pricing for a lens by clicking on the price in the fee column.

11. If you have a lens whose pricing differs from your standard component pricing, select that lens configuration (or multiple lenses with the same differential) and then select 'Price Differential'.

12. You can utilize the price differential to enter either positive or negative amounts that will add or subtract to the applicable components and adjust the overall lens fee. Choose the Effective Date, Reason, Locations, and select 'Apply'.

13. You can then click on that lens fee and see the applied differential.