How to Create a Patient Data Export

Note: This feature is used to download and export CCDs from the secure email center, not the patient's exam or EHR data.

1. Click EHR > Configure

2. Patient Care > Data Export

3. Click New

4. Click in the Name field and Add a Name for the export file > then click Select Patients or All Patients

5. If you chose "Select Patients" search and select patients > Click Done

6. Schedule a time

7. If you want to download directly to your "Downloads" folder on your desktop just click Save.

8. If you want to save the file in a specific location select "Click here"

9. A one time install is required when making this selection. Follow these steps to complete the install. Double click the downloaded file VHDownload.msi to begin

9.1. Follow the instructions to install with defaults

9.2. Select a folder to save the export file

10. After the installation (again this is a one time only install) the file will be downloaded