Where do I Set Default Dilation Information?

Exam configuration details and defaults are found in the Configure section in the EHR.

1. Select the EHR tab  >  select Configure  > select Exam Configurations

Configurations for Template, Audits and Patient Care are also accessible from Configure section of the EHR

Note: The Configure Button is active by specific role only

Select the EHR tab  >  select Configure  > select Exam Configurations

2. A list of Exam Configuration topics display  > scroll to find Default Dilation and click

Note: Other Exam Configurations include: setting Exam Types; Appointment Types, Appointment Statuses, Chief Complaint Categories; Ocular Medications; Other tests; Lens Design Categories; Lens Material Categories; Treatment Code Mappings

A list of Exam Configuration topics display  > scroll to find Default Dilation and click

3. Set default settings > click Save

Note: If more than one medication is used as part of the default Dilation Process, it needs to be added to the notes section.


Set default settings > click Save